Welcome to this week’s Halton Hills housing update! We had a great start to January, so let’s take a look at the numbers. In Georgetown this week we had 12 sales, so sales have picked right back up. We also only had 11 new listings so our sales were higher than our new listings which is a great sign. We didn’t have many weeks where this was the case last year, so 12 sales is a really good number, especially for January. I think we’re going to have a strong couple of months for real estate.
In Acton this week we had two sales and no new listings. Glen Williams had no sales and one new listing and the rural market had one sale and two new listings. Another thing to note is that we had 15 sales total in Halton Hills this week and of the 15, only five of them were under a million dollars. The majority of the sales this week were in higher price points and I’ve mentioned how the mortgage rules have changed and I thought it would make our one to 1.5 million price point busier, and I think that’s exactly what’s happening! This is a really interesting start to the year. Another thing to note is that 13 properties came off of the market. So some people are still not getting the success they want. We also had three properties reduce their price and we are seeing one that’s listed low and is holding offers, so that strategy may be coming back too. There were also four properties that relisted at the same price to freshen up their listing. So overall, we had a great week for sales and our inventory is down.
Looking at our price points now, all of Halton Hills is down from 130 to 120 active listings. This is due to a combination of sales being higher than our new listings and properties coming off of the market. Overall, 120 listings is a good number for Halton Hills. If we were under 100, our market would likely be very busy but 120 is much better than the 230 plus we saw for the majority of last year. So, Georgetown this week is down from 79 to 72 listings. That is quite a dramatic drop and we are so close to being in the 60s. When we get into the 60s our market starts to really heat up if inventory isn’t meeting demand. We have some condos downtown that are just starting to be occupied so they’re technically part of the resale market now, but if we took those out, inventory would be in the 60s. Inventory is scarce right now! So, looking at our price points, under $800,000 is up from 10 to 11 listings and I think this price point will start to pick up really soon. Eight hundred thousand to a million is down significantly from 19 to 14 active listings. One to 1.5 million is also down from 27 to 25 listings which is great to see because we had around 60 active listings here for the majority of last year. Finally, 1.5 million plus is also down from 23 to 22 active listings. We have definitely seen inventory soften over the one million mark and I think it’s going to be a strong year for these properties to sell.
Acton this week is down from 13 to nine listings. Nine listings is low for Acton and it’s been a long time since we had single digit inventory here. For most of 2024 we saw 30+ listings so inventory is definitely scarce here. Glen Williams is up slightly to six listings and the rural market remained the same at 33.
So I think this is a really positive January update. This is sort of really on trend with what we're used to seeing in January and last week I was actually a bit worried that the numbers were sitting high but that is definitely not the case. We had multiple properties sell almost immediately in their first week listed so I think things are picking up and prices may start to climb over the next few weeks. The biggest thing is that we were so saturated last year and that’s definitely not how we’re feeling right now so it’ll be interesting to see how long the market is like this. Will we start to see a lot of people who came off of the market come back on before the spring? That will be something to look out for. Overall though, inventory is low in comparison to where we were for almost all of 2024 which is good news. So, I’ll be back next week, have a great week!

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