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Halton Hills Housing Update - Ep.223

Tuesday Sep 3rd, 2024


Welcome to this week's Halton Hills housing update. This update is totally horrific, especially if you are a Seller right now. So, looking at the unofficial numbers for August, which could slightly change over the next few days. Our average price of August 2023 was $1,290,000 and this month, our average price is $988,668. That is a drop of over 23% year over year. The average price has also dropped 19.5% since July when our average price was over $1,200,000. We had a lot of higher ticket... [read more]

Halton Hills Housing Update - Ep.222

Thursday Aug 29th, 2024


Welcome to this week's Halton Hills housing update! So, summer is almost over and it’s been a weird one. In Georgetown this week, we only had four sales. That is an extremely low number and the last time we saw sales this low was last fall when the market was absolutely dead. I’m really hoping this was just an off week because it’s the end of summer, especially since last week was so positive. The other bad news is that we had 14 new listings this week, which is just... [read more]

Halton Hills Housing Update - Ep.221

Thursday Aug 29th, 2024


Welcome to this week's Halton Hills housing update! My apologies for the delay on this post. It was actually a positive week for sellers and I hope this trend continues. So, in Georgetown, there were 12 sales which is pretty standard but the even better news is that for the first time in a long time, we had less new listings than sales! We only had 11 new listings this week and I know that seems minor but we’ve had months of getting hit with high new inventory and our market has just... [read more]

Halton Hills Housing Update - Ep.220

Tuesday Aug 13th, 2024


Hi everyone! Welcome to this week's Halton Hills housing update. The summer market is still active but the bad news is that inventory isn’t really decreasing. So, looking at our numbers this week, Georgetown had 15 sales which is pretty high! We haven’t seen anything over 12 in months so 15 sales is strong. We also had quite a few lower ticket homes sell this week, which we haven’t seen in a few weeks although that is the typical trend. The bad news is that we had 17 new... [read more]

Halton Hills Housing Update - Ep.219

Tuesday Aug 6th, 2024


Hi there! Welcome to this week’s Halton Hills housing update. I have July numbers and my prediction was right! I thought that our average price would be up because we had a ton of sales over a million dollars in the past few weeks, and it is. So, in July of 2023 our average price was $1,107,000 and this July it is $1,217,000. That’s a huge jump year over year and we’ve only seen a couple of months with an average price this high in the past few years. I’m interested to... [read more]

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